Home Sellers Pre-Listing Inspections

Many homeowners are jumping on the bandwagon and getting an inspection done before they have their home listed for sale. This gives the seller an advantage when potential buyers are looking at their home and can lead to a smooth contract period with less potential for buyers to terminate their contract.

Buyers can terminate the contract to buy based upon an inspection or due diligence contingency in the contract so having the results upfront can help squash buyer’s concerns about the home’s quality, give them accurate estimates for potential repairs, and eliminate the possibility buyers will back out of the contract since any objectionable disclosure found by an inspector gives the buyer reason to cancel the contract to buy. 

“But I have an inspection report from two years ago!” 

Having an old inspection from a couple years ago may be helpful, but this doesn’t give the buyers a recent enough picture of the home’s current condition. Providing an old inspection does give the buyer some information, they could potentially feel that you are trying to conceal recent developments and defects in your home. A recent home inspection report can instill credibility for the seller and provide confidence in the quality of your home to your buyer. 

 Alpine Building Performance, proudly offers a Pre-listing Home Inspection service for sellers.