Inspection Education

How Much Does A Standard Garage Door Tuneup Cost And What Does It Include?

A garage door and opener servicing generally costs between $120-$150, but many companies will run door service specials periodically for less than $100.  

Routine garage door and opener service typically includes a comprehensive inspection of panels, hinges, bearing, cables, drums, track and opener for any irregularities. This also typically includes re-tensioning the springs for proper balance as well as making any adjustments to the door to make things run as smoothly as possible. A garage door technician should also check the opener limits and sensitivity to ensure safe operation.

How often should a garage door be maintained and why is routine maintenance important?

Garage door professional, Louis Wilson, of Ascent Garage Doors recommends that garage doors should be serviced annually or at least every other year in order to maintain proper spring balance and make sure there isn’t any progressive failure of components that could cause larger problems. 

Many people don’t realize it, but a garage door is the largest moving part of a home and can present safety issues if not properly serviced. Regular service greatly reduces the risk of large problems with your door coming off track, getting stuck, or even panels falling, which is a huge safety hazard.

What's Crackin'? Foundations and Expansive Soils in Colorado, Part 1: Slab-on-Grade

What's Crackin'? Foundations and Expansive Soils in Colorado, Part 1: Slab-on-Grade

One of the most common observations we come across inspecting homes in Colorado are cracked foundations, most commonly made of poured concrete, concrete masonry units or brick. This issue is also a higher priority item a potential buyer may consider when deciding to go forward with or walk away from the purchase of a home.

What is Radon Gas and Why you Should Test your Home for Radon?

What is Radon Gas and Why you Should Test your Home for Radon?

It’s especially important that Colorado homeowners and homebuyers test their home or prospective home for radon to monitor their level, and mitigate if necessary. If you encounter a home with elevated radon levels, then the good news is that it’s easily mitigated.

R-22 Refrigerant Phase Out

 R-22 Refrigerant Phase Out

A common issue that we as home inspectors are running into currently is the phase out of R-22 refrigerant also known as HCFC-22. If your system was installed before 2010, there is a high probability that it contains R-22 refrigerant which will be impacted by the change that is occurring January 1, 2020.